
Last Day of School

It is our last day of school….and what a different year we have had.  We will definitely remember this school year.

Even though the school year ended different than any of us could have imagined it was great being your child’s teacher.  I enjoyed being with the children – in person and then on our zoom days.  It was so much fun to be with them during our virtual preschool days.  

I have learned so much this spring.  I never thought I would have “rectangle time” online instead of “circle time” inside our preschool.  The children adapted so well and were so engaged during our time of songs, stories and sharing. I think one of my favorite memories is singing All Around the Mulberry Bush and ‘popping up’ on the screen with all the children.  That is a fun memory for me!  

I hope you and your child have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you during the summer session