While our physical preschool doors remain closed, our preschool community remains open and connected!
We are proud to be offering virtual and hybrid options for the 2020-2021 school year. We have been working very hard to come up with an enriching and engaging curriculum based on our core values using cooperative and creative play to enhance social, emotional and intellectual development, while providing a safe learning environment for everyone.
Virtual-only •
During Zoom circle times, Teacher Janice will sing songs, read books, and demonstrate weekly activities. Any necessary materials for Activity Time would be provided in the CHE Supply Kit and noted in the weekly email. Instructions will be provided to help facilitate setup and breakdown of activities. Supply kits can be mailed – you do not have to live in Seattle to attend classes!
• In addition to circle time, the Pre-3s/3-5 Classes can join virtual small break-out groups so they can socialize together.
• Families can meet with Teacher Janice 1:1 monthly to gain better connections.
Hybrid model (in-person; small pods)
Families develop pods within classes (Crown Hill facilitates assignments/matching recommendations).
Families can attend virtual sessions as a virtual-only family OR the pod can rotate hosting amongst themselves and participate as a group with Teacher Janice on-screen.
Families will have monthly (or more) opportunities to play in Teacher Janice’s outdoor space as a pod.
Families will have the same access to supplies as virtual-only families.