First pick some water proof items to make the interior sculpture with.
Next you will need a plastic baggie or a plastic container.Yarn and / or a pipe cleaner
Place the items in side the baggie or the plastic container
Add water to the baggie / plastic container. Set the baggie in the container if you choose to use the baggie. Submerge a long piece of yarn, twine or pipe cleaner into the water, This will be the hanger for your ice sculpture.
Set the sculpture out side in the snow / on your deck or porch. After it freezes remove the sculpture form the plastic baggie / container and hang it up. It will glisten in the sun (which is coming on Wednesday!)
With the temperatures below freezing at night and near freezing during the day your sculpture should last several days.
This is a great way to show your child how water freezes, talk about weather and temperatures and get them excited about doing science experiments.