
Farm Week 2018

We will be introducing farms, animals, birds, eggs, seeds, plants, and dirt during the next few weeks of April. The children have already noticed new growth on the raspberry plants, blossoms on the trees, and flowers in the garden. The older children have been finding lots of worms and roly-poly bugs while in the dirt.  This week they will be planting seeds, (we ran out of time last week) although the layer of hail in my yard doesn’t feel much like seed planting time! During Circle Time we will be talking about where animals live and what the ‘say’. This is time to work on descriptive vocabulary – colors, sounds, textures, similarities and differences.

Animals on the Farm
Animals live on a farm, on a farm, on a farm.
Animals live on a farm, with the farmer.
Cows and pigs live on a farm, on a farm, on a farm.
Cows and pigs live on a farm, with the farmer.
Horses and sheep live on a farm, on a farm, on a farm.
Horses and sheep live on a farm, with the farmer.
Ducks and turkeys live on a farm, on a farm, on a farm.
Ducks and turkeys live on a farm, with the farmer.

Over in the Barnyard
Over in the barnyard
Early in the morning,
See the yellow chickies
Standing in a row.
See the busy farmer
Giving them breakfast.
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.
Off they go.
Substitute other barnyard animals.

Farm Animals
The cow in barn goes moo, moo, moo,
Moo, moo, moo, Moo, moo, moo.
All around the farm.
The pig in the pen goes oink, oink, oink,…
The hens in the coop go cluck, cluck, cluck,…
The lambs on the hill go baa, baa, baa,…
The ducks on the pond go quack, quack, quack,…

Animal Sounds
Are you listening, are you listening,
to the dog.
Hear the dog calling, hear the dog calling
Woof, woof, woof, Woof, woof, woof.
Insert other animals.