
MESS: Experience 2 – Colors in Nature

October 2 – October 6

Marvelous Explorations Through Science and Stories: MESS is a science-centered early childhood curriculum enhancement. Each unit includes field-tested science experiences, suggestions for ways to integrate each topic across the curriculum, lists of recommended books and science materials, and ideas for involving families in children’s learning at home and in other settings.

Here is this week’s MESS-inspired curriculum for Crown Hill Explorers’ Nature-Based 3s class.

Experience 2: Colors in Nature


Children will describe and compare natural items by color.


  • color chips

  • specimen viewers

  • paper bags

Science Concept

Things can be described, compared, and classified on the basis of their characteristics.


names of colors (e.g., green, brown)

dark,  light


Show the children the color chips and help them identify the colors.
Explain that you are going to go on a nature walk outdoors to look for things that match the colors on the chips. Review your nature rules.

During Science Circle distribute one color chip to each child. Go to the outdoor play area.  Have the children search for plants, animals, and other items that match the color on their chip.

Collect items in paper bags, specimen viewers. Photograph items that are out of reach or best left undisturbed.



Make “chips” or samples of shapes or patterns (e.g., stripes, spots, diamond shapes). Have the children search and sort patterns in nature.

Science Center

Place an assortment of natural objects in the science area along with the color chips. Have the children sort the objects according to color.